Saturday, August 10, 2013

Took the Old Gardin Out for a Spin today

Cervello S5

Cervelo S5
The bike you see to your left was used in the Race Across the West (aka RAW) just two months ago. Ridden from Oceanside California to Boulder Colorado by Mark Herbst. The aero dynamics of the frame and smoothness of the ride are quite remarkable. The stiffness of the cranks allows you to gain maximum speed almost instantaneously. Most of all the electronic shifting is indeed a luxury that you find yourself wondering how you ever did without. I will confess it takes a little getting use to, but after a short while it becomes second nature. I took the S5 out for a test run on a route I do often with my other road bike about 34 km. To my surprise without even trying I knocked two minutes off my previous best time.