Its not that hard. We don't care if you're bald. Good social upbringing, etiquette, respect. If you're at home, in your own house, eating by yourself, knock yourself out and eat with your cap on. However, in a restaurant, show some courtesy. At dinner Saturday evening, the table of four next to us, two of three men were wearing ball caps. For some reason, this particular act and lack of respect just sets me off. Fortunately they didn't order dessert, paid their bill and left and I could enjoy my meal with my wife. The removing of a hat is a sign of respect. Removing your hat for the national anthem or in church, a funeral and while eating a meal especially inside should be common sense. Besides the attribute of respect, traditionally the cap or hat was worn by men to keep sun & debris from landing on their heads. Most caps would become dirty over time, hence another important purpose to remove during meal time. Removing your dirty cap is the same as washing your dirty hands before eating.
Other common sense etiquette I quite often witness :
- men using profanity in company of women
- talking with your mouth full
- smacking your food while you eat
- construction workers with debris on their boots walking across an administration carpet
- the person who interrupts someone else in mid sentence
- but mostly guys who don't remove their caps from their heads.