Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moneyball [review]

Art Howe, "Pena's playing first." Beane,"..i don't think so." [pause] Howe, "no, Pena's, playing first ". Beane, " Pena can't play first, he's a Detroit Tiger now". Moneyball is a fabuluous movie that all can enjoy. Based on the true story of the 2002 Oakland A's. Billy Beane the GM of the A's introduces a new "complete statitician" theory to the game of baseball. At the time, A's entire Payroll was approx $ 30,000 versus the NY Yankees gluttant $ 140,000. I have read many baseball books (Moneyball is in print too) ; this rates right up there with the classic "Ball Four" by Jim Bouton, or the "The Year the Expos Almost Won the Pennant". Brad Pitt plays a convincing Billy Beane. Sidebar :[ is the song Billy Beane's daughter sings in the movie the same as one on the Gap commercials?]. I would have to agree with my best friend, the ending of the movie could have wrapped up tighter. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Art Howe - priceless. If you are a Math Teacher, if you are a Manger, a Leader, a creative thinker, or you are a Problem Solver, go see Moneyball. This movie has so many metaphors for everyday life. The movie opens up with Beane trying to persuade the Owner to givining him more cash for the payroll. The Owner as you can imagine tells Beane straight up we're a small time club, the payroll isn't going to get bigger, your job is to find a way to put a winning formula on the field. Keep searching until you find the solution. Remember JP Ricciardi the GM for the Toronto Blue Jays? JP came from the 2002 Oakland A's organization. I wouldn't be surprise if Moneyball wins awards.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

70.3 Mont Tremblant June 2012

Thinking of a race to do next year. Tired of Muskoka? Not too interested in doing easy flat courses? Like some culture? 70.3 Mont Tremblant registration opned Monday Sep. 19th. Don't wait. Pretty certain there are three Barrie TC Baydogs already signed including yours truly.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Febreeze ; Wasp Nest ? Really ?

Febreeze is remarkable for blowing the stink off a Triathlete's dirty laundry among the coiled locker in his/her part of the bedroom. Febreeze is splendid for giving the foyer a hint of morning garden freshness just before distinguished guest arrive. Ever notice Febreeze is never used for immediate family? Generally some outside of immediate family. Just an observation. Febreeze works well in our trucks, cars and our basements. Enough. Febreeze, lets others know, you had a dead-foul wretched smell, you have just manufactured to superficialy cover up, long enough for most to walk through getting a mouthful of aerosol quicly followed by them holding their nose for the duration of their visit. Making drinking Earl Gray tricky. Boom. Move on. A week ago, my wife noticed a wasp nest outside the front door and suggeted one of us spray after dark, to dispose off. She was most certain we had some Axe Body spray or Raid tucked away that would do the trick. After scouring the pantry I came across, you guessed it "winter fresh" febreeze. You eager to ask, "did it work in ridding the wasps from the stoop?". Nope, but those wasps sure do smell pretty. In fact, i think more have moved in.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years After

To our great neighbours to our south, thinking of you, and your families, health, emotions, and memories from September 11th, ten years go.

Friday, September 9, 2011

It Is What it Is ?

I have a few pet peeves and sure there are expressions that drive many of you crazy, some of those older ones generally used in business are "at the end of day" and "24/7". Making matters worse, have you ever had a visitor, not once but repeatly to nausea they use "24/7". Perhaps like they have an arsenal of 100 words in their vocabulary but have this internal wiring system that produces from their wrenched vocal chords "24/7" every thirty minutes. Enough. "It is what it is". Who ever came up with this should be hog tied, shot with an elephant gun and then urinated on and just for good measure kicked in the ear drum. Folks, talk about a "quitters" white flag salute. The founder of this expression was quite obviously a born loser. The guy who was always picked last for a game of street hockey. Played on teams that always fell into the basement in the overall standings. Policticaly did not have the courage to stand up & make a change. Do you think Martin Luther King ever said "it is, what it is". Do you think FDR ever shouted from his wheelchair "It is, what it is". I'm pretty certain Steve Jobs used this cry baby expression all the time ? Geez, i can't tie up my shoes,"it is what it is", oh,, i can't do it, i quit. Make me vomit 10W-40 heavy duty. For god sake people of this foul expression. Get some rubber balls! Be proud. Have some confidence. Have some fight. Don't be a limp piece of licorice. People of the world let us put an end to this one.

Monday, September 5, 2011

the MKC

I had the pleasure of meeting Claudia the Owner of the Madawaska Kanoe Club yesterday. Close to twenty years I have waved at the Kayakers going down the Madawaska River in front of the cottage, always preferring to stick to my bike. My wife once came dam close to enrolling me in a White Water Kayaking course. Lessons? We don't need no stinking lessons. We an Azul kayak that we use for recreation fun and I decided it was time to kickit up a knotch. My ultimate plan is to acquire a true White Water Dagger, but in the meantime buying a used ; end of sale kayak is ok too. (seen in picture). I'm told by Claudia it was originally a 'Sea Kayak' that was converted to an oversized person WW Kayak.
for more info go to www.owl-mkc.ca