Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Febreeze ; Wasp Nest ? Really ?

Febreeze is remarkable for blowing the stink off a Triathlete's dirty laundry among the coiled locker in his/her part of the bedroom. Febreeze is splendid for giving the foyer a hint of morning garden freshness just before distinguished guest arrive. Ever notice Febreeze is never used for immediate family? Generally some outside of immediate family. Just an observation. Febreeze works well in our trucks, cars and our basements. Enough. Febreeze, lets others know, you had a dead-foul wretched smell, you have just manufactured to superficialy cover up, long enough for most to walk through getting a mouthful of aerosol quicly followed by them holding their nose for the duration of their visit. Making drinking Earl Gray tricky. Boom. Move on. A week ago, my wife noticed a wasp nest outside the front door and suggeted one of us spray after dark, to dispose off. She was most certain we had some Axe Body spray or Raid tucked away that would do the trick. After scouring the pantry I came across, you guessed it "winter fresh" febreeze. You eager to ask, "did it work in ridding the wasps from the stoop?". Nope, but those wasps sure do smell pretty. In fact, i think more have moved in.

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