Look no further. Sometimes to get the creative juices flowing, we need some thought provoking stimuli. I'm here to help. Many people stop me in the streets of Barrie, and say .."but Jamie how do you do it every single year?" "How do you keep coming up with these spectacular gift ideas for the Mrs.?"
Sometimes guys, we're just looking in the wrong places. Think outside the tool shed. George Carlin once said, "nail two things together that have never been put together before ; and some schmuck will buy it".
Watch the expression on her face as she opens the "Dolphins Toque". What says I love you more than the "Lemmy Saves" shirt (available in her favourite colour "deep black".
Guys don't stress. Buy her a dress.
although not completely captured in the photos, the sand spray was a real joy. soaked completely through layers ; it was worth it. i reside in Barrie, On. Canada and when i should probably being skiing on Sunday December 16th 2012 it was a pleasant + 6 C.(42 degrees F.) as one can well imagine i had many cars pass me wondering who the hell is this six degree from normal shithead? i love my italian Basso road bike. handles very nicly. not to say i won't replace it with a Trek, or BMC one day. my worst fear before taking off was the slipperiness of the black asphalt on turns. i realize bike couriers in Toronto do this all winter long including January & February, it was more the realization that Christmas day was a mere 9 days away.
Hi folks, cleaning up my blog today. this blog is primarily about Adventure Racing (Triathlons & Ultra marathons). Occassionally, i will throw in some warped humour. enjoy, Jamie.
500 m from finish line
2009 Barry's Bay Tri
riding in Vancouver
at SFU
Capt. Monkey feeds Gator
he loves marshmallow, but this Gator wasn't on the Tour's payroll.