Monday, December 17, 2012

Aftermath of winter bike ride Dec. 16th

although not completely captured in the photos, the sand spray was a real joy. soaked completely through layers ; it was worth it. i reside in Barrie, On. Canada and when i should probably being skiing on Sunday December 16th 2012 it was a pleasant + 6 C.(42 degrees F.) as one can well imagine i had many cars pass me wondering who the hell is this six degree from normal shithead? i love my italian Basso road bike. handles very nicly. not to say i won't replace it with a Trek, or BMC one day. my worst fear before taking off was the slipperiness of the black asphalt on turns. i realize bike couriers in Toronto do this all winter long including January & February, it was more the realization that Christmas day was a mere 9 days away.

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