I am 100 % uncertified. I'm not a Physician nor have I ever written a Journal in Sports involving the Hear rate. That being taken care of, it's important that your Garmin system heart rate activation is turned on to avoid one in believing they are somehow supernatural. Case in point, this past weekend this event occurred. For several days I convinced myself I was able to function without a heart beat.
Resting heart rate should be mid 40's according to a know it all 79 year old at our local community centre. I've notice by just applying the Garmin heart rate monitor belt around my chest my heart rate can increase dramatically by 20 beats. I believe the norm to be a spike of 10 or so. To truly record your own resting heart rate ask your spouse to view your watch while you sleep.
Maximum heart rate. What is a good number is really the question we all want to know. The higher the better. Is this a contest. Should you brag to the Triathlon dinner function that you hit a factor of 230? If your max never goes over 160 there's pretty good chance you're not jogging fast enough. what is your maximum heart rate is greater than the 220 less your age rule ? Is this good or bad?
Lastly in theory I suppose with more exercise your heart rate should come down over time. How much should it come down and over what time period. I welcome your comments.
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