Monday, March 30, 2009


Rain. Soaking wet socks & shoes, squish squish. My Mother was inquiring how i handled the downpour that took place during most of the race. Honestly you just tune it out. I remember looking out at Lake Ontario & seeing the choppy waves rolling in & i remember the steel gridiron lift bridge which can be nerve recking when its wet. Even with the rain, the dedicated people of Hamilton with their umbrellas still came out to cheer. The toughest part of the course is Northshore Blvd. by the Burlington Curling & Country Club and the other section is around marker 26 km. Northshore is a series of rolling hills that subconciously plays games with your legs, wearing your down. Marker 26km is the deep valley & climb back up to York Blvd.
I'm competing in 70.3 Ironman New Orleans in one week and was trying to decide whether to take it easy or not for ATB. I decided, life is short & to go for it. In the end i set a pb with a chip time of 2:12:50 knocking off 7 minutes from last years time. I owe so much of this improvement to my good friends at the Running Room. Practice does some amazing things. As i'm typing this up on March 30th it is snowing in Barrie. ATB had a great showing from Barrie. A busload of RR fanatics ventured down for the 115th running of ATB. Yes Older than Boston by 3 years. Congratulations to all. To my friend Dianne M, great job & i hope you didn't get too wet. See you next year. Tim, they were asking for you at the e-load exhibit. I said hi for you.

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