Monday, November 7, 2011

Sub 3 for BK

Three weeks ago Brendan missed his goal of running a sub 3 hour marathon at the Scotia Toronto Waterfront by 62 seconds. Yesterday his quest ended. Brendan ran 2 hrs, 58 minutes. To a runner this is quite an achievement. Brendan did his sub 3 at the 5th Hamilton Road 2 Hope Marathon. Yesterday marked Brendan's third time running it, while it was my fourth. Acclaimed one of the fastest courses on the circuit, I would acknowledge but what is seldom revealed is the 5km downhill on the Red Hill Creek Expressway and the punishment that it takes on your quads. Perhaps the key to this race more than anything is km marker 27 to 33. If you can push through that segment than you have overcome the worst. Yesterday was Brendan's day. The sun was shining and the temperature warmed so you didn't have to be bundled running. To the volunteers, Hamilton Police, and of course to the organizers of the Road 2 Hope, thank you for putting on an excellent event.


Mom said...

A HUGE accomplishment! Congrats, Brendan!!

Brendan said...

Thank you Jamie. It was a long time in the making, but I couldn't stop trying until I finally kicked that monster in the ass!
Glad you were there, your support was very much appreciated.