Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rob Ford Holiday Kiosk (look Ford it).

Cellophane Rob Ford Gift baskets. If American Apparel can sell a $ 14.99 Rob Ford "Nixon-posisng"t-shirt , I'm confident with the right rental space in the right Mall, twinkle lights, sampling of course, I could sell $ 80,000 maybe more. Inspired by Zoe McKnight, who wrote an article in the Toronto Star on November 13th, about various local restaurants cashing in on the "Rob Ford Crack Burger". If you have some creative package ideas, I'd like to hear from you.
Is it sad? You know the answer. Wasn't that long ago Charlie Sheen exploited his pinnacle moments.

Our local Barrie Triathlon Club is struggling for volunteers to run & create an engaging dynamic upcoming season. I'm thinking about reaching out to Mr. Ford to see if he would have an interest in being our 2014 President. Hey Race Directors hold a Rob Ford Marathon Race.

I have often argued in today's environment there are occasions whereby bad publicity can strangely be good for sales. Not the route you want to take, but if it pumps up cash flow, what the hell.
Imagine, walking through your favourite upscale Toronto Mall over the next five weeks and you have a few gifts you still need to buy. Lordy Lifton, thundering Jesus! What do your weary eyes behold? Rob Ford X-mas Gift Baskets for a price you can't say no. Other ideas ; The Rob Ford little doll Crack House, complete with dealer , users, and arresting officers figurines ; Rob Ford china set ; Rob Ford travelling mug ; Rob Ford City Hall Board Game, roll the dice and move Rob Ford around council taking shots at the other 42 councillors. Rob Ford lipbalm. The ideas go on.
Its has been a long time since Toronto has received global attention. You know, when you watching Anderson Cooper report on the devastation in the Philippines and AC devotes a full ten minutes of air time to Rob Ford Mayor of Toronto, you made it.
Last thought does Rob Ford have a Santa Clause float?

1 comment:

Mom said...

I smell retirement!