Friday, January 27, 2012

TOOL concert review Toronto, On. Jan.25th

Boring. I think I was surrounded by Tool fanatics that had never been to a concert before. Laser beams, a huge media screen reflecting abstract "TooL' imagery, and going absolutely ape shit. I don't get IT! It was the most boring concert i have ever intended. There was more action at a TSO performance. On the flip-side, the musicianship, quality of sound was outstanding. Bass, lead guitar & drums all Level 4. Tool played the majority of their most popular tracks to the crowds delight. As you probably have already figured out ; i'm not a Tool fanatic but appreciate their unique craft. Try to explain Tool to someone who has never heard them before. You can't do it. Maynard (lead singer) tucks himself at the back of the stage next to the drummer almost in total darkness, deliberately. Thus the imperative focal part of the "typical" stage of any performance is left as no man's land. An avid Tool follower explained this to me. Apparently Maynard is bit of an introvert who rather allow the band the lime light and shield himself from being the focal point. 18,000 plus Tool fans loved it. Myself, i was bored. I remember listening to the pre-concert music being played throughout the ACC and hearing King Crimson "Three of a Perfect Pair" and thinking "wow, there's an old tune i haven't heard in awhile. While typing my last thought it just occurred to me, take Brian Eno and Camel, join them to ensure it is a harder feel and you might explain Tool.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Shoulda stayed home with me...never boring here!