Friday, August 5, 2011

Riding in Ottawa

Paul from Kananta bikes 90km plus every Sunday. On Colonel By Dr. one of several streets that the City of Ottawa closes every sunday until 1pm, I met Paul. He informed me he makes the journey into Ottawa from Kanata, then does the priority streets and heads back usually giving him 90 to 100 km. Cycling next to the Rideau Canal is not only beautiful, it is incredibly refreshing knowing their are no cars. I'm told there are two other streets just like Colonel By Dr., but unfortunately ran out of time. Many of the ridrs were Mom's & Dad's with their famalies. There were roller bladers too. Like Vancouver, downtown Ottawa has many bicycle lanes, making it safe & easy to get around. My wife and I stayed at the Hotel Indigo (a nice Hotel with history, I'd recommend). [pic of my son on crutches & my wife walking across a bike lane].
The morning of our departure was the first work day of the week and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many "suits' were on bikes going to their office. To the City of Ottawa I give you full marks. That's a Level 4 I believe in the School system of grading.
If you live in the Ottawa area and know of some other hidden gem routes please let me know.
For that fact our Province has an enormous beauty if you know a gem route you like to share ; let us know.

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