Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wouldn't Change a Thing..except maybe some of the little stuff

Celebrities are often asked if reflecting back on their careers, would they have changed anything. Ninety percent of the time the response is no. My beautiful wife, two children I do all over again. Reflecting back to High School & University I would have done more and been more aggressive in pro-active way. Strange how some moments stay with you for the balance of your life. Especially, from sources you really didn't give two shits about. Our Defense Halfback coach at the UOW,during another brutal hitting/tackling practice, stopped the drill and said something along the lines, "80% of it is attitude". In other words wanting to tackling hard and well was mostly in our heads. I'm 48 now, and for obscure reason i recall that moment on the Lancer Football field. Here are some things i would have changes : taken Latin in High School, taken German in High School, and carried on with both swimming & guitar lessons longer. Then there are insignificant moments that i think about. Like calling a certain (football) play and executing a particular pass pattern at QB during a HS Football game. Moments (as they come to me now) that I would live over would be : the family vacation where we spent a night in a "old beat up
trailer" once used for a Beaver Study in Trinity, NFLD. [unfinished]

1 comment:

Mom said...

That old, beat-up trailer was the BEST! There are many things I would do again...marry you is at the top of my list. Just sayin'!!!!!