Saturday, December 31, 2011

Zen & the Mondo Art of Dishwasher Replacement

The 16 year old Maytag died. It was a smelly death. Like anything in it's golden years, we knew it was coming. The old girl was vociferously loud. Like a passing diesel Peterbilt on the 400 with a hole in it's stack that vibrates the asphalt. What volume is necessary on the flatscreen to drone out the moan of the grinding old girl? So, here we go. Purchasing the dishwasher was safe,easy thanks to Bruce at TA. I wasn't going to insert this but feel it is my duty on Planet Earth not to at least mention some of it. My wife & I first entered Sears where I will say we have had good service in the past. Hovering in the appliance section there were two sales staff working hard. Not counting ourselves there were two other couples that stood for more than 15 minutes without even being greeted by a simple hello. Flying Alligator shit happens, I get it! The truly maddening part was the Manager, Assistant Manager, along with two Clerical help in the open office where in a state of "blind oblivion". Yes they had "B.O." We leave. Over to TA, we meet Bruce, we end up making a well informed decision in a Bosch versus a Kenlessormore. New dishwasher is now in our kitchen. Bruce informs myself it isn't difficult to disconnect the old and install the new. Black wire is live, white wire is neutral, the third is ground. Got it. Discharge hose, got it. Hot water supply got it. Balance, check for leaks, holy backwash I'm a triple AAA mechanic. Listen to me tell you, this was no 60 watt light bulb folks. This was a dishwasher. Next weekend I'm rebuilding a 66 Corvette.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Yeah, you!! You're the beast!!!