Thursday, December 20, 2012

Having Trouble Shopping for your Lady this Holiday Season?

Look no further. Sometimes to get the creative juices flowing, we need some thought provoking stimuli. I'm here to help. Many people stop me in the streets of Barrie, and say .."but Jamie how do you do it every single year?" "How do you keep coming up with these spectacular gift ideas for the Mrs.?" Sometimes guys, we're just looking in the wrong places. Think outside the tool shed. George Carlin once said, "nail two things together that have never been put together before ; and some schmuck will buy it". Watch the expression on her face as she opens the "Dolphins Toque". What says I love you more than the "Lemmy Saves" shirt (available in her favourite colour "deep black". Guys don't stress. Buy her a dress.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Aftermath of winter bike ride Dec. 16th

although not completely captured in the photos, the sand spray was a real joy. soaked completely through layers ; it was worth it. i reside in Barrie, On. Canada and when i should probably being skiing on Sunday December 16th 2012 it was a pleasant + 6 C.(42 degrees F.) as one can well imagine i had many cars pass me wondering who the hell is this six degree from normal shithead? i love my italian Basso road bike. handles very nicly. not to say i won't replace it with a Trek, or BMC one day. my worst fear before taking off was the slipperiness of the black asphalt on turns. i realize bike couriers in Toronto do this all winter long including January & February, it was more the realization that Christmas day was a mere 9 days away.

Winter Bike Ride - Dec. 16th 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Corrosion of Conformity Live in Barrie, On.

COC even without Pepper Keenan can still rock. 11:45pm on a quiet Tuesday night at Fritzy's in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, Mike Dean opened with Psyched Vampire. The three piece band played non-stop for nearly 90 minutes. Frankly, I think 90% of the nocturnal Barrie crowd had no idea who COC was. The last time i saw COC they were a four piece with Pepper Keenan fronting the band and opening for none other than Motorhead at the Sound Academy (Toronto). Without Keenan the music has a much edger sound. Will you hear COC on ROCK 95 ; not likely. However, do not under estimate their ability to create wicked riffs and great lyrics. "Your Tomorrow" is quite beautiful in a metal melodic way. As I explained to a potential fan, you have to listen to COC's new CD a few times and it actually grows on you. Moneychangers, Leeches which they did not play (dam) are some of my other favourites. For connoisseurs of COC the opening bars of "Your Tomorrow" are actual "Seven Days" one of their late 90's hits. I had the pleasure of thanking Mike Dean at the end of the concert with a fist pump. Mike if you are reading this let me know by a comment.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rev3 Old Orchard Beach, Maine

After doing many 70.3 Ironman Events, I wanted to experience a Revolution 3 Event. I wasn't disappointed. Now the third season for Rev3 and its inaugural event for Old Orchard Beach, Maine I will be back to do more. There are so many little aspects that are different from Ironman. For starters a picture of you is taken during race kit pickup and then shown on a Jumbro Tron as you cross the finish line. You're given your own tattoo numbers to apply to your body. Swag is awesome included were Blue Seventy swim goggles. The medals are sweet too. Triathletes with families, Old Orchard Beach is a clean & entertaining vacation spot. Old Orchard Beach was a combination Olympic & HalfIron distances for a total of about 1100 racers. I'm sure the field size will grow as Revolution gets more exposure. The Swim in the Atlantic ocean was a thrill. At times the gentle swales of the ocean you couldn't seen the buoys. The run to T1 was about 500m (estimate it was long). The race started at 6:20am (which I loved)in order to get all the waves out the water, into T1 & out on their bikes before the first Amtrack train would go by on the other side of transition. My wave was the third wave leaving at 6:28 am. A real treat. Usually because of my age category 45-49 ; I'm generally the 18th of 23 waves which typically comes close to 8:30 am before I start. I remember coming out the water and hearing the starting gun commencing with the Olympic Age groupers. Swim time was 41 minutes. Happy with that as my strategy was to go easy, swim straight and in the words of Conrad Stoltz have fun. The bike course was a racers dream. Flat and pavement surface ideal. Hence a rocket time of 2 hrs & 34 minutes for me average 34.7 kph. The run took me much longer than I expected. My desire time was 1 hr 40 minutes and I was just slower than I would have liked clocking in at 1 hr 50 minutes. Overall a PB for me at 5 hours 13 minutes ++ seconds.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

another Saturday

looking forward to riding with Kona, RAAM, incredibly fast cyclist Mark Herbst today, trying out my new Nineteen Rogue wetsuit, and then watching the Time Trials later from the TdF.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

70.3 Racine, Wi. July 15 2012

My best swim to date, a great bike split, but my run time something i've already forgotten about. The beaches of Lake Michigan are beautiful. Clean and very much spectator friendly is the entire event. I'd rate Racine right at the top of one of the best 70.3 events I've attended. The only down fall were road conditions were mediocre to poor. Many racers were troubled by the continual roughness unlike Mont Tremblant where the road conditions were practically flawless. Racine 80,000 people is located right on Lake Michigan between Milwaukee and Chicago. A pretty friendly community. The downtown has many unique artistic boutique shops along with the Racine Art Museum. For followers of Frank Lloyd Wright there are buildings to be explored. In addition, Racine is about 3 hours from Green Bay and about 2.5 hrs from Madison which is also home to Trek. My bike of choice. One thing about being in the 45 -49 age category is you usually get to start the race in one of the later waves. At 70.3 Racine we started in the 18th Wave of 23. That means the Pros go off at 7 am and my age category starts about 7:53 AM just that much later in the day when the sun will be that much warmer. Most athletes were struggling with the heat and perhaps the bumpiness of the bike course, when it came to run. I remember going into T2 already feeling zapped. I knew my legs were gone (a first for me). Regardless, push on finish strong. I began walking a lot. I thought to myself give it a little time and the leg strength will return. The end result was a 2 hr 16 min half marathon run. Ouch! On the bright side I did run a negative split. 70.3 Racine is a race I will do again. In summary, to the State of Wisconsin, invest in repaving the bike course and 70.3 Racine will be one of the most beautiful events Ironman has.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

2012 Barry's Bay Tri Sprint

It was the 20th Anniversary for Barry's Bay Sprint Tri. Barry's Bay is a small community east of Algonquin Park about 45 minutes drive north of Bancroft, On.(and approximately 3.5 hours north of the Centre of the Universe). By far the most enjoyable, hospitable race I do every year. The volunteers are superb. Race Director Mark Gunner does an amazing job. Fora non-profit event, it is executed better than some 70.3 's I've attended. I've been doing this event for years, and it was actually the race that began the sport of Triathlon for me. My first was done without swim goggles nor wetsuit and using my Kona Mountain Bike. This past year I finished 19th overall at the age of 49. Post race a gentleman stops me and introduces himself and was wanting to compare notes for our age category. The only thing was he thought i was in his age category of 50 plus. I think he was slightly embarrassed. A honest mistake. My top speed was just over 72 kph and having done a hilly 70.3 Mont Tremblant one week prior ; it had escaped me just how mighty the bike course is in Barry's Bay.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

70.3 Mount Tremblant

Swim 40 mins, bike 2hr 37 mins, run 1 hr 51 mins plus transitions for a race time of 5 hrs & 17 mins. Overall, pretty darn happy considering the difficulty of the course. The entire event & venue is top notch. I have ridden on many of the roads before so I had a good idea of what to expect. I overheard one of the younger participants finishing well ahead of my time tell his parents it was much more tougher than he was expecting. Ironman Utah bike course was still tougher in my opinion. Yes there are lots of hills and its all about exploiting free speed on the downs and being sensible on the up climbs. The toughest part of the bike is from 70 km to 80km where you just climb. My top speed was 71 kph but apparently my daughter tells me they announced at the race site the pros were hitting 90 kph. The road ways have all been paved so truly a treat. About mid way through the bike course you enter the beautiful town of St. Jovite (the main drag). This might be the most technical part of the course even though the people & fans are inspiring. Going into St.Jovite there isn't much width and you need to be alert with the manhole covers. Passing during this stretch is manageable. The run is half asphalt and half trail. It's fun. The trail is flat. The roadway is not. Have fun Ironman participants you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Would ya?

You doing a 70.3 Ironman, its cold, as you leave the water and come into T1, you pause, and quickly calculate the physics of leaving your wetsuit on. Would ya?

Don't fight the Wind

The wind. Flying a kite, sailing, letting it blow through your hair, it's all quite conveniently cordial. Being upwind of a Grizzly who hasn't eaten for two weeks and cycling in a crosswind, save it for another day. There was a time, I would have just kept the TT bike at home and not ventured into the 30+kph cross winds. The secret to to getting into the aero position, tucked into the aero bars is not to fight the wind, but be one with the wind. Sounds poetic? [Laugh, spit, blow nose] Oh, it's true. Don't fight the wind, use it to your advantage. Give yourself permission to be courageous and surprisingly you will amaze yourself. Our Barrie TC held their weekly TT last night and we had a turnout of seven courageous Triathletes prepared to get blown over by the gust into asphalt possibly the farmer's fields. We didn't set any personal best times, but the group did amazingly well. The wind will make you stronger.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

CF 10km run - Apr 29th 2012

There's an episode on Seinfield where Jerry forgets to set the alarm to wake his Kenyan visitor to run the Boston Marathon. This past Sunday, at my own ill-prepared planning the Caravan simply left Barrie too late for the Toronto 10 km race, banking on the race's notorious late starts. Surprise, they're on time this year. Oops. As I was picking up my bib I was still under the impression I was okay, because of the swell of people at the start line (5km runners). Lady handing my bib number, "you know the 10km race started 10 minutes ago?" Changing from my sandles to my Adidas (love my Adidas (plug)), starting my Garmin and waiting for it to track a satellite. I take off. I'm pissed at myself. I really wanted to run with fellow runner Jon Dow (eventual winner) and use him as a pacer to attempt a sub 40 minute 10km. As I approach the 4km marker Jon passes on his way back being lead by race officials. Meanwhile, a good sign I'm passing 10 km competitors. I finish with a PB of 41 minutes and 29 seconds. The Race Clock indicates 49 minutes 29 seconds. The morale to this Story ; I should have left Barrie 8 minutes sooner.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Barrie TC "Pancake Ride" Sat. Apr 14th

Is it my big noggen or that Catlike builds a compact helmet? Perhaps a bit of both. Maybe time for a new helmet.

My running shoe collection.

Boston Marathon

Wish i was running the Boston Marathon today. Good luck Rex & Jon.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Question Morgan asked Hill

Last night Secret Serviceman Clint Hill whose prime duty was to protect Jackie Kennedy has just written a book "entitled Jackie Kennedy and Me" (or similar)was on Piers Morgan. It was a serious interview. Then, Morgan comes to the conspiracy theory of the lone gunman. Piers Morgan ask Hill, "Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in the shooting of JFK? Hill replies. "Yes" straight face without blinking an eye. Morgan moved off quickly to another topic. Very out of character in Piers style. Piers please have Oliver Stone on tonight. The rest is self explanatory.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Potato Chip Poker with Jack

Dreamt I was playing potato chip poker with Jack Nicholson. A game which I'm not sure exists. In my dream it was a mixture of cribbage & poker where the dealer sets the ceiling and a full potato chip's value is 16. Half would be 8. Jack was the dealer and could see i was having trouble adding. Besides my obstacle with addition, I was sleep deprived and would dose off every 45 seconds. Jack purposely slowed the game down to a point point he could still tolerate. [dream ends] Now for some odd reason I'm thinking of the scene in Easy Rider where Peter Fonda has been let out of jail with Jack Nicholson (the drunk) and has offered him a ride on his chopper. The line from Easy Rider Jack - "oh,...I got a helmet".

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

signed up for Barry's Bay Triathlon

A spectacular non-profit race that takes place east of Algonquin Park just north of Bancroft in the fabuluous community of Barry's Bay. Quietly over the years this swim bike run, race has been attracting a more serious athlete. The grandest part is the magnificient food afterwards. This year's race takes place on July 1st.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kindergarten Class in Antigua

I had one of the best vacations of all last week. Not because i was soaking up the sun and lying on the beach. It was the morning Heather & I spent at Cedarbrook Primary School in Antigua with a Kindergarten Class reading, and conducting exercises. The children were amazing. Bright, keen, anxious to to please and succeed. To be truthful the group of six students I had were not any different from any Canadian Kindergarten boys or girls. They are kids with the thirst to learn, be listen to, to grow, and have some fun at the same time. They told me about how they like to ride their bikes, play football (soccer) and yes play video games. The time I spent with the Cedarbrook Primary School part of the Sandals Foundation program made my vacation. To Sandals you are to be congratulated for a beautiful program that gives back. More importantly is my reinforced belief that we as the general public have no idea what our Teachers do every day. Teachers whether in Antigua or in Ontario are truly under appreciated. To all the Teachers in the world, I say thank you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

YMCA Peterborough Half

I've been running this race since 2005, and still love it. For some unexplainable reason the weather on this particular day is always perfect. The new course is no longer flat. "I love the hills" , I overhead one runner say. Running south from the Y., to Lansdowne Road, over the Otananbee River and then straight up Armour Rd, and back. Running through the Hunter Street covered one lane bridge is always cool. Many running ATB or Boston use this race as a prep day. I'm always amazed at the speed of some of the older guys. I'm 49 by the way. Thank you Life ibufprofen. This morning my right knee has seized, first time ever, more than likely my lack of running. The ole less is more philosophy. If I ran a total of 30 k prior to this race I'd be be shocked, although I have logged in excess of 300 k Skate skiing. The key to this race is tempo. Break the race into four 5km segments. Go out nice and easy for the first and even second segments and get yourself over the steeper hills rested. Then at 8km or 10km pick it up. At 17 km give it everything you can manage to the finish line. Note to self, only run in my Adidas, best shoe for my foot. To all the volunteers, Police and Organizers of the YMCA Peterborough Half, great hospitality, great event. To Ian Toms at one of the water stations, " What were you wearing on your head?" My results, 58th place overall, 54th /267 Male runners and 17th/72 in my age category 40-49. Time 1:33:43 [ last year's time 1:38:03 ].

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Runners & Triathletes know if you twist/sprain an ankle running the first thing you should do is apply ice. The term is RICE. RICE stands for REST. ICE. COMPRESSION, and EAT a bag of Party Mix cheesies.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gatineau Park

Gatinaeau Park, i will be back to do some more X-skiing.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Skate Skiing

As of January 28th i have done a total of 177.8 km at Hardwood Hills. Not too shabby considering the poor winter we have had.

Friday, January 27, 2012

TOOL concert review Toronto, On. Jan.25th

Boring. I think I was surrounded by Tool fanatics that had never been to a concert before. Laser beams, a huge media screen reflecting abstract "TooL' imagery, and going absolutely ape shit. I don't get IT! It was the most boring concert i have ever intended. There was more action at a TSO performance. On the flip-side, the musicianship, quality of sound was outstanding. Bass, lead guitar & drums all Level 4. Tool played the majority of their most popular tracks to the crowds delight. As you probably have already figured out ; i'm not a Tool fanatic but appreciate their unique craft. Try to explain Tool to someone who has never heard them before. You can't do it. Maynard (lead singer) tucks himself at the back of the stage next to the drummer almost in total darkness, deliberately. Thus the imperative focal part of the "typical" stage of any performance is left as no man's land. An avid Tool follower explained this to me. Apparently Maynard is bit of an introvert who rather allow the band the lime light and shield himself from being the focal point. 18,000 plus Tool fans loved it. Myself, i was bored. I remember listening to the pre-concert music being played throughout the ACC and hearing King Crimson "Three of a Perfect Pair" and thinking "wow, there's an old tune i haven't heard in awhile. While typing my last thought it just occurred to me, take Brian Eno and Camel, join them to ensure it is a harder feel and you might explain Tool.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

P.A.T. rare moment

First time for me. Last night second quarter in the Cotton Bowl, the extra point conversion was blocked by Kansas State and ran back the entire length of the field. For 2 points. One of life's small "what happens when? questions. Now i know.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Review: J Edgar - give it a 3, no a 4.

Ok, maybe a five. J Edgar directed by one of my favourites Clint Eastwood. I sat in row 27. Albeit J Edgar has been out in the shows for six weeks, there were nine of us in the theater of which i knew five. Just a thought had i taken the time to introduce myself to the other 4, I could have printed I knew everyone in the theatre. I thought the role of Miss Gandy (Naomi Watts) was the best part of the movie. Ok, so maybe J Edgar should get a 6 rating. Essentially, you the viewer, are left to determine, was J Edgar Hoover a suppressed homosexual, authoritarian control freak momma's boy, who enjoyed doing push ups in his office ? Go see the movie - you decide. I enjoy American political history but this portrayal although, accurate, was like waiting for a tardy bus on a rainy day ; not exactly fun. Still Leonard deCappucino's acting was convincing. Co-star Arnie Hammer playing the role of J Edgar's right hand man (so to speak) Clyde Tolson did well until the make up artist messed up with the aging process. My god he looked like a burn victim not a 70 year old man. Still Naomi Watts saved the movie, so I'll give a rating of 7. One last thing, when did a medium pepsi hold 16 gallons.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

-23 degrees C [ -9 F ]

Returning to my truck early yesterday morning, my right hand was completely numb. In just 40 minutes of X Country skiing the burning sensation was more than uncomfortable. It was difficult to move my fingers. Only now, fumbling for my keys, I looked around and realize four other cars had arrive at Hardwood Hills. Jack Saskerville [Owner of Hardwood Hills] the only other person i saw at 8 am before i went for my skate, said, "are you dressed warm enough?". To be honest the rest of my body was fine. Just my hands ached. At -23 C don't expect great skate skiing conditions. The snow was that crisp, and the temperatures were that cold that I could here the trees crack. In fact it was so cold that going downhill was a chore. Opening the rear truck door to take my gloves off and tuck my poles & skis away i immediately recalled Jack London's short story "To Build a Fire". My hand hurt. Right now was just -9 F in the story the narrator is subjected to -100 F. In the short 15 seconds it took to remove my ski boots and put on my winter boots i imagined if i was to be isolated in the parking lot without warmth for much longer. Fortunately my truck door opened and within seconds i had nice heat from the Ford 150. To the best of my knowledge in the last ten years i'm fairly certain that one day it hit -33 C. We have had plenty of days in Barrie where it often hits -22 C.